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wxVillaLib Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
wxImageBoxThe widget to display a image with the zoom function
wxImageFilterThe base class of all image processing filters
wxLinearImageFilterAn image processing filter of linears filters (middle value, Gauss)
wxMedianImageFilterAn image processing filter of median filter
wxPaintBoxThe widget to display a image buffer
wxPipeExecuteExecutes pipe commands and optional read input from file and write output to other file
wxPropDlgBase class for property dialogs
wxTablessNotebookThe widget to display a tabless notebook
wxThumbnailsThe widget to display a series of images (thumbnails)
wxVerticalToolbarThe class to emulate vertical toolbar

Generated on Mon Nov 19 21:06:44 2007 for wxVillaLib by doxygen 1.3.7